Tuesday 3 May 2011

Corey Bell - Trifusion

Corey Bell is a member of the Entrepreneurs Organisation (EO) and is featured in the video below:

I discussed a number of things wth Corey from assistance programs to his company and challenges he has faced. What really intrigued me was he didn't talk much about the product but more about the process and how he makes decisions. I have noticed over the past 3 years that whilst many people start a business based on a skill the really good entrepreneurs depart from this and concentrate on the business aspects, the product is almost irrelevant.

We spoke about how many entrepreneurs (and people in general) don't really have an end goal or set of conciously chosen principles to base their journey on. The SAYES business plan that we use aims to address the business direction through the Now, Where, How structure - Where are you Now, Where do you want to be and How will you get there? Often people are just 'open' to where the business will go but actively deciding what the end goal is can open people's eyes to barriers and opportunities they may not have considered.

Corey has a what he calls his Cardinal Values, these 4 carefully chosen values provide him direction with any decision that needs to be made. Whenever a tough decision comes his way he runs them through the values check and the answer becomes clear. I'm not going to tell you what his 4 are (you should come up with your own using a clean slate!) but what comes across very clearly is that good character and ethics play strongly in what Corey does.

Building these kinds of planning and decision making skills in young people is a huge deal. With a plan and a compass you really are ahead of the pack, and not just in business. Thanks to Corey for his time.

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